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Hola from Year 10 to Woodstock

This term, Ms Varela and Mr Millar challenged their Year 10 Spanish students to create a bilingual picture book for - and about - a student (K to 2) with whom they’d been paired.


It all started with each Year 10 Spanish student getting to know a student from Kindergarten to Year 2 so that they could create a custom-designed picture book all about them – in English and in Spanish. In the process, Year 10 discovered what a bilingual book is and why bilingual books exist. They had to explore what makes a good children’s picture book and recognise the importance of images in telling a story addressed to children.


They learnt how to adapt model sentences, improve their use of online translation tools, learnt more about Spanish phonetics and in the course of their research, they increased their knowledge of Spanish-speaking countries.


Creating a bilingual picture book has helped Year 10 to develop other important skills too, such as managing time and resources to complete a long-term task, overcoming challenges, and learning how to work independently and with others.

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The result of their efforts can be seen on these links:


This week, Year 10 had an opportunity to virtually meet with their K to 2 partners and present their books to them. Their young ‘clients’ were excited and amazed at the quality of the final products. There were comments such as “It was so good that it blew my mind!”, or “I loved everything!” and “I loved it because in my book, I went on holidays.” The stories are already proving popular as great bedtime reads!


Great work Language Department and a huge ‘Gracias’ to our Year 10 Spanish students!